Starken AAC is high performance building product
used to create comfortable & sustainable buildings.

Starken AAC products are IBS certified, which contain anti-corrosion steel reinforcement for added strength and are available in a range of length for applications including wall, floors, fencing, sound barrier wall and etc.
Starken AAC is high performance building product used to create comfortable & sustainable buildings. Starken AAC production incorporates recycled material and employs strict waste minimization scheme while the transport fleets use less fuel (energy) to deliver goods.

AAC Adhesive
Using Starken Thin Bed Adhesive
Internal Wall
Using Starken Blocks or Wall Panels
External Wall
Using Starken Blocks or Panels
Using Starken Lintel
Parapet Wall
Using Starken Standard Blocks, Jumbo Blocks or Wall Panels
Perimeter Fence
Using Starken Blocks and Panels
Internal Flooring
Using Starken Floor Panels
Roofing / Decking
Using Starken Roof Panel
Internal Wall Coating
Using Starken Skim-Coat Base and Skim-Coat Finish
External Wall Rendering
Using Starken Render